Sunday, October 28, 2007

Visiting the Grandfolk

Snowbunny: When we get to Taiwan, we can visit my grandparents' grave and burn some money for them.
Panda Man: REAL money??
Snowbunny: No, fake money.
Panda Man: Fake money you buy with REAL money!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Joy and Sorrow

I went into the kitchen at work today and found they had restocked the Flavia Jasmine tea. I was so happy! Then I got sad because that made me so happy.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

My flowers! Aren't they lovely?



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Thursday, July 12, 2007

I Love Snow Bunny Day

Yesterday was declared Snow Bunny day by Mr. Panda Man. Bunny got a three course dinner, lovingly home-cooked by Panda himself, but wait! There's more!

Yay! A camera! And it's so bitty and pretty too!

Which leads me to the point of today's blog, shameless advertising. Obviously, I need a nice big speedy memory card to store all the lovely photos I shall be snapping shortly, and lo and behold, I stumble on where they have every type of memory a techie nerd like me could possibly ask for. Seeing as how I destroy electronics, I need this site badly to replace all the memory cards that I have lost, washed, crushed and pulverized through the years. And they're cheap! They had a 4GB Sandisk Ultra II for such a shockingly low price that I cannot mention it here. You'll have to check it out yourself. ( Act fast, such a deal cannot be long for this world. Plus, shipping's free. Hip-hip-hooray!

I'm so excited...gonna be taking all the flowers in my garden (okay, one flower) have bloomed and now I will be able to photograph it in all its glory!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Not so talented

So, I ended up going to the mountains like 100 times last winter. And I still sucked. By spring, my ass, my knees, my ankles all hurt. I used to think I was talented, but now I may need to rethink that. I used to think a lot of things, like I'd find a job that I was good at and I liked.


I'm pretty good at whiling away time though.

Monday, January 29, 2007

And I thought my ass hurt *last* week

Day 6 - Whitetail 1/26, Friday
Spent 8 hrs on the slope. Left ass bone was already a bit sore. First run, rather successful, but on the flats I fell hard on that left ass bone. Doing pretty well linking turns, still only on the big green, but having some nice runs. One point, we get off the lift together, and I fall so hard on my left ass bone that I can't move. As I'm sitting there, tears start to fall and I start wailing. Poor him, poor me. My second to last run was my best run of the weekend though.

Day 7 - Whitetail 1/27, Saturday
Didn't leave until late, and by the time we got there, it was so crowded. Snow was a lot softer than Friday, and I was feeling pretty comfortable linking turns and going toeside. But it got so crowded it was hard to go more than 15 ft w/o stopping. It was like a minefield, with all the peoeple going down. Left early.

Day 8 - Whitetail 1/28, Sunday
Got to the mountain early, though because I forgot my advantage card it took me 20 more minutes to get my lift pass. Did two runs on the big green, and moved on to the blues. Did Limelight, and it was actually the best blue run of the day. Steepness wasn't so much an issue becaus I slowed down so much on each heel turn. Only fell once on that first one. As the day went on, the snow softened to huge mushy piles of mashed potatoes, I struggled with the soft stuff. Still, went down Limelight a few times, Fanciful, and Angel Drop. Def. can go down the blues, but pretty slowly. The flats are still a pain in the ass. I can't seem to hold an edge and go straight at the same time.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The butt is a-achin'

Day 1 Snowboarding:
Ski Roundtop.
Took us almost 4 hours to get there because of numerous wrong turns and bad signage. I sincerely doubt the existence of Shibbetsville Road.

First trip down the mountain is awful, just like previous times. Get up, fall down. Get up, fall down. Halfway down the mountain, finally get the hang of the heel turn. Eureka! It's like magic.

Day 2 - 3:
Seven Springs:
Perfecting my falling leaf. Can do toe turns, but not very well, and need to psych myself up for each one. Each turn usually turns me around, so I do spinning slow 360s. Heel feels great. The long flat area from lift to trail is killing me. By the end of the second day, not falling while going flat as much, but every so often will get nailed. Incredibly icy in parts, scrapped all the wax off the heel edge of my board.

Day 4:
Spent first few runs continuing with falling leaf. Finally get the courage to do toe side. Not bad. Linked a few turns. Managed to get up from my butt a few times throughout the day!

Day 5 Snowboarding
Getting comfortable on the toe-side turns, linking turns the entire way down the mountain without falling, but still being a big old wimp when it comes to speed. Basically toe -> heel -> stop, turn, toe -> heel -> stop.

Gotta tighten the hell outta the boots in the morning. Had to relace 4 times throughout the day. Wish I got the BOAs.

Several times thought I was losing my balance but magically regained my footing. Love it!