Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The butt is a-achin'

Day 1 Snowboarding:
Ski Roundtop.
Took us almost 4 hours to get there because of numerous wrong turns and bad signage. I sincerely doubt the existence of Shibbetsville Road.

First trip down the mountain is awful, just like previous times. Get up, fall down. Get up, fall down. Halfway down the mountain, finally get the hang of the heel turn. Eureka! It's like magic.

Day 2 - 3:
Seven Springs:
Perfecting my falling leaf. Can do toe turns, but not very well, and need to psych myself up for each one. Each turn usually turns me around, so I do spinning slow 360s. Heel feels great. The long flat area from lift to trail is killing me. By the end of the second day, not falling while going flat as much, but every so often will get nailed. Incredibly icy in parts, scrapped all the wax off the heel edge of my board.

Day 4:
Spent first few runs continuing with falling leaf. Finally get the courage to do toe side. Not bad. Linked a few turns. Managed to get up from my butt a few times throughout the day!

Day 5 Snowboarding
Getting comfortable on the toe-side turns, linking turns the entire way down the mountain without falling, but still being a big old wimp when it comes to speed. Basically toe -> heel -> stop, turn, toe -> heel -> stop.

Gotta tighten the hell outta the boots in the morning. Had to relace 4 times throughout the day. Wish I got the BOAs.

Several times thought I was losing my balance but magically regained my footing. Love it!

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